Sean Hector is 2 years old and 6 months. His curiousity is as high as the sky. Very active. Can't sit still except when his favourite show is on (Pocoyo, Fun House Factory, Mr. Bean and Shaun the Sheep). In the process of potty training.
Selina Hester is 1 year and 8 months. Her smile could brighten up your day. She likes to try new dresses and she will say "Nice". She still calls her daddy "dada" and me "Mimmy".
This little girl is called Shayna Heather. She is 5 months old. She can turn her body, tries to crawl and loves to suck on peoples' hand or thumb or anything she can get hold of. Likes to be cuddled.
Labels: kids
posted @ 5:34 pm,

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