I have to say the event was a blast! Kudos to the organizing committee headed by Puan Hajjah Natrah. The event was held at the Grand Ballroom, Magellan Sutera. The event starts at 6.45pm, so I left the house early. I thought I was early but when I reached Magellan, the parking was FULL! So, I had to park very far and walked at least 1 km to the ballroom. Well at least many people share my fate of walking. Hence, it wasn’t that bad. When I arrived at the said place, the lobby was packed with people. At the registration, each guest was given a door gift (red for ladies and blue for men). I made my way into the ballroom and immediately looked for my table (No. 41).
Yours truly
Mary Chey and Stanley Kuansin
Me and Haji Sulaiman Asri
The event started off with Lina announcing the arrival of Datuk Dr. Ewon Ebin, the Minister of Industrial and Development. After the guest of honour arrived, Ms. Lina introduced the emcee for the night, Patrick Teoh. After the guest of honour’s speech, we were enlightened to a video presentation in title Mission Impossible 5. We were wondering what it was until we finally know what the mission was. It was actually the menu for dinner. Blab la blab la….food presentation…then of course, dinner time! I was quite frustrated as the service was bad and the food interval was more than 15 minutes. I gazed at the time, it was already 9:20pm and we only had menu number 3! I was hungry but the waiting killed my appetite. Ah well..boredom came and sms cured it.
Soon after, there was another video presentation. It was about the bread and the sword (something like that as I wasn’t focus). Bla blab la…Johaniff was in the video. Blab la bla…suddenly they appear on the stage…oh…cake cutting ceremony! How creative! Before the cake cutting, each of us were given a cup cake with a candle.

Then, performance by Ning Baizura, Nikki & Yanie. Unfortunately, I wasn’t awed. The introduction made by the two Sabahans girls sorry to say, killed the showmanship. Then, the final performance by Bessie Lin from Taiwan. I managed to shake her hands.

Ning sang a Chinese number with Bessie Lin. Very impressive!
Lucky draw! The moment we all been waiting for! There were 5 prizes given away…Acer Notebook, RM3,800 worth of Tour Package plus flight to any destination, Olympus Digital Camera, Sony Handphone and I forgot the last one. Unfortunately, I have no luck!
Labels: dinner
posted @ 5:21 pm,

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