I did it!
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Yay! I did it! Deejay Rina was such a doll! One of the questions was which blog do you recommend to visit. I randomly mentioned This is Ann, Mudeen, Carol Charles (I actually said she is a teacher from Keningau - sorry for the full name though), Yummy Mummy, Daphne Iking & Marina Mahathir blogsites. I wanted to mention all in my list but my tongue got twisted. Sorry for those bloggers I didn't mention. No offence..I was quite nervous but DJ Reena helped me to settle down. Quite an experience! Cool! Okay sleep sleep!
Labels: general
posted @ 11:45 pm,
- At 7 November 2007 at 05:40, Linachu said...
wow cool! i wanted to listen bah tu but tertidur awal pulak. Macam mana tu? They called u up and interview through the phone? ada siaran ulangan ka? hehe
- At 7 November 2007 at 08:05, Just plain Sharon said...
Awww...yup they called me and wait for the music to finish and then started the interview. Siaran ulangan...err..I will ask the producer.
- At 7 November 2007 at 19:37, carolchs said...
i was on air! i was on air! literally...hehe...thanks for mentioning my blog site sharon :)
- At 8 November 2007 at 17:45, carolchs said...
eii typo..i mean not literally :)
- At 9 November 2007 at 11:19, Self-Proclaimed Yummy Mummy said...
sori...teda ulangan...speech cm pun x siaran ulangan...hehehehe..anyway thx 4 being my guest sharon... ;-)