In Memory of Frankie Anak Jeffrey Demang
Sunday, 6 May 2007
Frankie Anak Jeffrey Demang left us on 2nd May, 2007. He was born on the 4th of November 1971....He was living proof that God answers prayers. The friends he met in KL, KK and Labuan say they have never met anyone with a spirit like his, so happy all the time. I believe that Frank was happier bringing joy to those around him than he was doing things for himself. That rings out with pure truth for those of us that knew him. he touched more lives than most of us can hope to touch in a life three times as long. Frank will always have a presence in the lives of those who knew him, whether we remember his smile, his gadgets, or the way we do. Frank was very passionate with his music. He loved writing songs during his free time. Frank was the kind of person that we all want, the kind of person that we all need, that's the way weI'll always think of him.We take comfort knowing that he was happy and that he is with the Lord, all the scars this world left on him are gone. We will never stop missing and loving him.
He leaves behind wife, Cornelia Esther Tahing a.k.a Bobbie, Jamboo, Connie, parent, Jeffrey Demang, brother Little John and sister, Jaime Lengidy. He also leaves parents in law, Paul & Esther Tahing, nephew, Sean Hector Tahing, nieces Selina Hester Tahing and Shayna Heather Tahing, brothers in law, Cornelius Boyd, Cyrille Dhillon and Cydric Amos and sisters in law Charlene Christina and Siti Nurafif Naim. There are many more family members and friends that will mourn the loss of such an amazing person in our lives. We miss you Frank.
May the wind always be at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again...... May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
posted @ 10:30 am,