Our children - 1 day old
Thursday, 21 June 2007
I have this intention to put in our kids pictures when they were 1 day old. Just to make a comparison on the look of their faces. So, here they are. You are welcome to give your comments.
Name: Sean Hector Tahing
Birthday: 23 Nov, 2004 (10.50pm)
Place of Birth: SMC, Likas
Weight/Length: 3.29kg/49cm
Mode of delivery: Normal (induced)
Gynaecologist: Dr. Krishen Devaser
Paediatrician: Dr. Liaw
Name: Selina Hester Tahing
Birthday: 25 Oct, 2005 (12.20pm)
Place of Birth: SMC, Luyang
Weight/Length: 3.23kg/49cm
Mode of Delivery: Caesarian
Gynaecologist: Dr. Krishen Devaser
Paediatrician: Dr. Antony Mansul
Anesthesiologist: Dr. Lee Shiuh Fee
Name: Shayna Heather Tahing
Birthday: 30 Dec, 2006 (10.20am)
Place of Birth: SMC, Luyang
Weight/Length: 3.72kg/50cm
Mode of Delivery: Normal
Gynaecologist: Dr. Krishen Devaser
Paediatrician: Dr. Antony Mansul
Labels: kids
posted @ 11:03 pm,
- At 22 June 2007 at 16:04, Ann always said...
sharon your children all look like you leh
- At 24 June 2007 at 17:26, Mimzzzy said...
Si Sean, is like 'you' looking in a mirror. Selina - have some daddy's features... Si kicik...still growing..