Happy Father's Day
Sunday, 17 June 2007

All the fathers

Dodu Dora with little Shayna (test kekuatan)
Little Reuben in Dodu Erna's arms with Grace & Mama Valie looking
Dodu Erna & little Reuben
Sabrina with her kids, Ameera & Amirul
Semua concentrate tengok movie

To all fathers, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY
June Babies (except for Sean)
Happy Father's Day to all fathers! JFF organized Father's Day do at Mr. & Mrs. Celestyne Laujang's residence. We did potluck so each family brought one dish for this occasion. We also celebrated family members whose birthday is in June (mummy dearest - 14 June, Peter Trevor Jr. - 21 June, Amirul & Grace).
Labels: family
posted @ 8:41 pm,