Albert & Brenda's Wedding Reception
Monday, 30 July 2007
Last night, my cousin, Albert and his wife, Brenda, held their wedding reception at the Promenade Hotel. The event was simple but yet meaningful as two families gathered around and celebrate Albert & Brenda's union in marriage. The event was attended by Bride's relatives and friends as well as Albert's side. The event started off with the couple's procession into the ballroom escorted by Albert's lovely daughter, Atalia Mae. I have taken some pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Sean, me & hubby

Abg. Rais, Salina & Kak Olis

Labels: wedding
posted @ 5:01 pm,
- At 31 July 2007 at 11:31, carolchs said...
hehe..when u wrote Kaki Pius and Dodu right kalu kita jumpa, u will address me as auntie...hehehe...cos Vali is 1st cousin to Dwayne...funny how Penampang people related through marriage kan?
- At 1 August 2007 at 09:15, Just plain Sharon said...
Hi auntie Carol! Yup..we are related thru marriage from my parents. You see my dad is your father in law's 2nd cousin, Ting family. And then, my mum's sister in law, Valie Lojuti your mum in law's cousin. Strange but true...hehhehehhe....good to know we are related.