Sextuplet Story
Thursday, 23 August 2007
If you are an avid fan of "Sextuplets" at channel 77 (Astro), you can click this link or in my "Website Worth Visiting". The Gosselin of Ten is about a couple, Jon & Kate Gosselin, having 8 eight children (one set of Twins and a set of Sextuplets). A very interesting story to follow as the program unravel the story of how the couple struggle to handle 8 small children. From the time they wake up until the time they are tuck in bed. I hope you will enjoy the program and the website as much as I do. Even my hubby enjoys the program.
Labels: general
posted @ 4:47 pm,
- At 23 August 2007 at 18:41, Mimzzzy said...
just wondering, how did they air- travel? aku yang 1 nie pun kapus2 bah..
- At 24 August 2007 at 10:38, Just plain Sharon said...
I think belum lagi durang pigi traveling via air. The couple has a van conducive enuff for all of them. The other day kami traveling to Langkawi bawa si Sean. OMG! Dua2 kami kaput layan karenah dia. That time he was only 1 yr plus. But it was fun bringing him. Next weekend, we plan for a family vacation to Kundasang. I will post some pictures after that.