St Francis Convent Class of 93 REUNION
Monday, 6 August 2007
Yesterday, I attended the reunion held at the Mediterranean Bar & Restaurant, Tg. Aru. Although I am not a full pledged SFC (I did my upper forms in SBPS), I attended the reunion anyway just to see my old friends from my former school. I arrived a bit late (the event starts at 1pm). At the registration, I met Aloysia Sang (still the same Aloy!), Imelda Latiff, Ratnawati (the soon to be Missus and still gorgeous), Dr. Flora Chong (she works as a doctor in

Items on display. Can't believe that our fellow schoolmate still keep them in good condition. Kudos to Melody Goh! Doiii tu nametag bah...tapi paling teruk lower secondary lah...KUNING!

As I entered the Meditarranean Restaurant, I saw may familiar faces (all actually). Everyone was busy updating each other. While looking for Mildred Sikayun and Fiona Chuan, I bumped into Chesity Boon Mei Mei (whom by the way still the same Chesity). She supplied the sound system.
Chesity Boon Mei Mei & Jocelyn Lee
I sat with Mildred (married with one kid), Fiona (married with one kid) and Jocelyn Lee (whom by the way kurus even though she has 2 sons).
Mildred Sikayun & Fiona Chuan
The event started with Deborah Suzanne Disimon (married with one kid) and Chesity Boon made the introduction. Then, speeches by Christine Fletcher (still kurus) and Michelle Ann Iking (gorgeous as usual).
Chesity Boon (clad in pink) and Deborah Disimon
Our future Dr. (phd), Christine Fletcher with her short speech
Our former headgirl - Michelle Ann Iking (si Jet girl)
Aloy did a multimedia presentation on LCD. It was really nice to see old pictures (muka-muka woros). We had a good laugh to see our dulu-dulu punya gambar. Oh ya, throughout the event background music mostly from the 90’s (thanks to Chesity!). Keluar lagu2 like “A Shoulder to Cry On by Tommy Page”, “I Wanna Sex You Up”, “Pump Up the Jam” and loads more. After the multimedia presentation, then of course makan time.
Then after makan, we played some games namely Guess Who? (write the full name of each picture) and our team won (Liza is a fast writer). We got the SFC T-Shirt each.
Then a game on our knowledge on movies during the 90’s, name that tune (the DJ will play songs of the 90’s and we have to jot down) and also each person were given the opportunity to nominate “Who changed the least” (won by Aloysia) and “Who you expect turned out to be what you have expected” (won by Chesity).
After that, we sang the school song. Both in English and Malay! And surprisingly, I could still remember most of the lyrics and so could many of us. The 6kg cake (in the shape of SFC badge) was cut by Aloysia.
All sang the school song
6kg cake in the shape of SFC badge..yummy..
Aloy has the honour of cutting the cake
After that, Melinda J. Bagiu sang a song (sorry can’t remember the title) and she still has her Bakat Interact winning voice! I also met Dr. Judy Siambun (who works at Kota Marudu hospital), Adeline Hendry (residing in Canada and she is due anytime – 2nd baby), Emily Amandus (works in Hyatt), Esther Majawat, Diana Mogindol, Lesley Shawna, Tayana Murugasu (residing in UK), Christine Anthony (just became a mummy in June), Jocelyn Basilius (ever kurus), Josephine Chai (works in STPC as Marketing Manager), Velerie Siambun (masih cute maciam dulu), Hana a.k.a Hubbs (begitu juga ndak pandai besar2), Shanty Toisam (you rock girl!), Faridah Jabul (iri om iri), Kitty Ku (who owns a saloon in Tg. Aru Plaza) and Kareen Lim. I left about

Seated: Mildred Sikayun & Fiona Chuan

Seated: Adeline Hendry, Jocelyn Lee, Midlred Sikayun & Fiona Chuan

Courtesy of Josephine Chai Fui Vun
Labels: reunion
posted @ 12:10 pm,
- At 6 August 2007 at 18:39, Ann always said...
thanks for updating! looks like you guys had so much fun. so many familiar faces and names, haha! I'm gonna i nick some of the photos for the sfc reunion blog, ok? of course credit to you lah.
- At 6 August 2007 at 21:45, carolchs said...
wahh...syioknya tinguk kamu reunion...and many familiar faces too...:)
- At 7 August 2007 at 17:40, Self-Proclaimed Yummy Mummy said...
hey..ada jg my muneez here hehehe..she's got d flu & cough..tu la mamee dia bawa pg beach.. ;-(
- At 7 August 2007 at 17:47, Just plain Sharon said...
Aum: Go ahead, no worries.
carolchs: Memang siok reunion. Siapa yg u kenal?
c h r i s t i n e: Alamak...mesti kena jangkit tu! My kids pun ada flu and cough. Kasian bah kalau baby yang kena. - At 7 August 2007 at 23:14, Linachu said...
sioknya reunion...ratna and imelda were my classmates in primary school...
- At 8 August 2007 at 15:55, Just plain Sharon said...
Linut - Ratna is getting married this Friday. Imelda Latiff sama ja gaya dia dari skool.
- At 9 August 2007 at 07:03, Mimzzzy said...
lone, ada lagi gambar kah?? sapa lagi ada gambar beramai2.. macam siuukkk jaks aku tinguk.. hhmmm bila lah aku buli pigi next.. RUGI!!!
- At 10 August 2007 at 10:31, Just plain Sharon said...
mimzzy - That is all I have got. Sia rasa satu restaurant sudah sia pusing...even christine and michelle buat speech, ada tu lady giant ambil2 gambar maciam pro ja....hahahhahhahha
- At 20 August 2007 at 10:21, kaybee_dino said...
well done on the reunion update :)