My Selina
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
Selina is my eldest daughter. She learns faster as she needs to keep up with her brother who is forever hyperactive. Selina and Sean are in the midst of learning to potty. Sean I would say a distinction and as for Selina, she still need to improve her training. She still cannot figure our between pee and oh oh (pass motion). The other day I asked her:
Selina: Pee oh oh!
Mummy: *Confused*
Labels: kids
posted @ 3:57 pm,
- At 5 September 2007 at 21:14, carolchs said...
uiiii...komiknya daughter ko sharon...hehehe
pening kepala oh... - At 10 September 2007 at 06:05, JPP Papa said...
Hi there Sharon... sorry for the long addition in the Sabahan Bloggers List. You're added by the way :)
Alalalaa .. anak2 siapa bah tu... syioknye main air laut. My son so scared one. Don't want to touch the sea.
And your Selina, alala... funny betul... i think we have many in common here. My son when asked, "Josh, you want biscuit or mee?" he answered "Or mee, papa!" Hahahhaa. - At 10 September 2007 at 09:39, Just plain Sharon said...
carolchs: ya bah pening kepala sia. Sometimes, she will tell me "Mummy, pee!". So ini mummmy pigi lah ambil tampui for her...satu kali tinguk...buat "kuih" pula dia.
PapaJ: Thank you for adding muah. I have linked ur site to mine. My kids semua suka air. When it comes to taking bath, duluan durang di shower room. Tapi ndak sampai tu pipe air. Hahhahahah.....sama juga mau tunggu mami or dadi.