A difficult morning..
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
This morning, all of us woke up very early as Opa (father in law) had an early flight to catch to KL. After saying good bye to Opa, I gave them their milk and then hubby gave them their bath. I prepared their stuffs for the nursery. Hubby and I told them that "It's a school day and it is going to be fun!". Funny thing was that Sean just gave us a smirk, Selina kept on saying "No, Selina home." And Shayna...well...you can't except anything from Shayna yet. Anyhow, hubby and I kept on telling Sean and Selina that at school got many friends, can sing, can dance and learn ABC. Same response. So, we asked Sean where he wants to go and he said "Go momom." So, hubby suggested to bring them to eat Dim Sum. After breakfast, hubby said goodbye to them and I drove through Kg. Ganang from Millenium. So, I told them that they are going to school. Sean shook his head and said "Go home mummy go home." I told him "Mummy needs to go to the office and Sean, Selina & Shayna will have to go to school." This time both Sean and Selina shook their heads. "No, go home." said Selina. In my heart "My goodness, this will be a tough morning to go by." So I go ahead and drove. As I drive into Tg. Aru lane, I heard Sean's little cry. I asked him "What's wrong sayang?" He said "Home mummy" in his little voice. I try bargaining with him saying that if he wants to see the plane, he has to go to school. He agreed with relunctance of course. I saw that in his eyes when I peeked through the rear mirror. Then it was time to send them to school. Sean started to cry when I drove into Taska Stella Marris. When we arrived, Sean didn't want to go down from the car. So I sent Shayna to her caretaker and Selina (who was crying but still put her feet out of the car) to her caretaker. Sean's caretaker was waiting near the car. I just tell her that I will send Sean upstairs. I tried to calm him down but when I drag him out of the car, his crying became louder. As I ascended the stairs, he was holding me very tightly. When we arrived at his class, he was practically hysterical when I waved goodbye to him. Selina was still crying. The caretaker told me "It's okay M'am. We take it from here." As I was about to enter the car, I could hear Sean screamed "I want to follow Mummy!!...follow!!..." Aduiii....it was really heart breaking to hear but I just get hold of myself and drove away. Likewise, mummy cried in silence.
Labels: kids
posted @ 8:54 am,