Shaun the Sheep
Friday, 22 June 2007

Shaun the Sheep has an inquisitive, mischievous nature which distinguishes him from the other sheep, and leads him into tricky situations from which he usually recovers. He is popular, and is a natural leader. He is also a moral character who will try to "make things right".
Bitzer is the long-suffering sheepdog who watches the flock. He tolerates antics, but steps in if things get out of hand. Bitzer acts as foreman, checking the sheep into and out of the field and lunching with a flask of tea and sandwiches. He listens to drum and bass on a portable media player and does crossword puzzles, which gives the animals opportunity for mischief. The relationship between Bitzer and the animals is essentially friendly. A character designed by a Blue Peter competition winner, XX2000 Robot Dog, will replace Bitzer in one episode.[8]
The Farmer is a solitary and plain figure, who tends to his smallholding farm with loyal Bitzer. He goes about his business expressing little emotion except the occasional burst of frustration when things go wrong, or an air of bemusement at the results of some of Shaun’s antics. He is enthusiastic about new technology. Like all the human characters in the series, we see him from the animals’ point of view and his speech comes across as a series of grunts and mumbles. He is unaware that his farmyard charges are anything other than normal animals.
The Flock are typical sheep, content to spend the day chewing the cud until Shaun gets an idea into his head, when they will easily follow his lead. They are an enthusiastic audience for Shaun, but are clumsy, easily frightened and not bright, which undermines Shaun’s exploits. While the flock mainly acts as a unified entity, some characters stand out within the group:

***Timmy's Mother wears curlers in her hair, and is a bit careless about maternal duties. But when her offspring goes astray, she is inconsolable until he is safely back in her care.
***The Naughty Pigs are housed in a yard next to the field, and are the bane of the sheep's life. Mocking, cantankerous, greedy and generally lazy, they still find time to disrupt Shaun’s schemes.
Labels: kids
posted @ 12:37 pm,
- At 23 June 2007 at 21:11, said...
wa best nya...sya suka tinguk tu katun Ozi n d kokroch...