What a morning!
Friday, 3 August 2007
This morning...I had to assist my GM in his presentation to the management. So, I did a presentation for him in my lap top. Everything was set to go. So, we were asked to wait in the Seating Room. While waiting, it came across my mind to switch on my laptop to prepare for the presentation before hooking the device to a LCD projector. I casually press on the "ON" button. CANNOT! Alamak!!!! Then my GM looked at me. I apologized to him immediately. He said "Not your fault. The bloody laptop is!" To make matter worse, I didn't have a backup to my presentation. Damn it! Fortunately, Sarinah and Robin were very helpful by asking Adrian (IT Guy) to see what had befallen to my laptop. To my surprise, he simply press the button "Fn" and F4 and voila....my laptop is ALIVE again! Thank you Adrian!!! I was glad to see GM had his smile again. Thank goodness! What a morning!
Note: The presentation went well and my GM praised me for a job well done and he said "you learned something today right". You bet I did!
Moral of the story: Always do a backup. You never know when your most previous thing will fail on you.
Note: The presentation went well and my GM praised me for a job well done and he said "you learned something today right". You bet I did!
Moral of the story: Always do a backup. You never know when your most previous thing will fail on you.
Labels: personal
posted @ 11:51 am,
- At 4 August 2007 at 15:32, Self-Proclaimed Yummy Mummy said...
how can u 4get back up ohhhh??
- At 4 August 2007 at 22:30, carolchs said...
ihhhh...it ever happened to me too. now, everytime i do anything, i do backups..jst in case...kin panic oh kan if such things happen...
- At 6 August 2007 at 11:00, Just plain Sharon said...
carolchs - ko tau kah my jantung outside my body already that time!
c h r i s t i n e - silly me! definitely an unforgettable lesson for me!