Perkasa Hotel
Monday, 10 September 2007

Labels: work
posted @ 11:10 am,
- At 11 September 2007 at 13:58, paulinevoon said...
hi sharon.. can you be so kind to share photos of your hotel perkasa mt kinabalu's standard room.. i'm taking my friend to stay there and she's really keen to see how the standard room is like.. thank you in advance.
- At 11 September 2007 at 15:27, Just plain Sharon said...
Hi pauline! Just uploaded the picture of one of our renovated rooms. Please request "renovated room" when you make a booking or when you are about to check in. Cheers!
- At 11 September 2007 at 19:07, Mimzzzy said...
Lone,Spa saja..? Massage ndak ada?
- At 11 September 2007 at 20:55, carolchs said...
u guys taking over Perkasa Tenom?? Alas!I thought the place was a gone case oh...lst i patronize the place (2 yrs back)...pnyalah mcm haunted hotel. Bunga2 dia pn mcm mau tida mau idup ja...
and wud love to go Perkasa Kundasang. Glad u're in-charge. Now i know who to call.
:) - At 12 September 2007 at 08:42, Just plain Sharon said...
mimzzy: massage yes...body massage, reflexology, foot scrub, etc...
carolchs: yup we took over Perkasa Hotel Tenom. There are many things to do there. We are going to repaint the building, repair the road going up and etc. Currently, our Resident Manager, Mdm. Juliana Liduin, is beefing up her team to make the hotel as cozy as possible by pulling all resources. We even open the restaurant so that guests could have their breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you would like to go to any of our hotels, just give me a buzz ya! - At 12 September 2007 at 12:11, paulinevoon said...
hi sharon.. what about wifi? is it available in all rooms?
i've actually made a booking for standard room, but i did not request for 'renovated room'.. i tot all rooms have been renovated, which is why the room rate is now raised from RM175 to RM230
thanks sharon for your clarifications.. - At 12 September 2007 at 12:42, Just plain Sharon said...
Hi pauline! It's alright. When you check in, pls request for newly renovated rooms. Currently, wi-fi can only be accessed from the lobby area or Topion Cafe. We will install internet in all our rooms in near future. Will keep you updated.
- At 12 September 2007 at 14:00, paulinevoon said...
thank you sharon.. u r very helpful :-)
- At 12 September 2007 at 14:01, paulinevoon said...
thank you sharon.. u r very helpful :-)
- At 13 September 2007 at 21:19, Self-Proclaimed Yummy Mummy said...
wow..we're planning a kundasang trip..mite as well put up at perkasa..looks nice & cozy..but of cos gotta wait 4 dadee 2 come back..& perhaps wen muneez a bit older..i x find a lil sweater dat fits her..dadee pula bz lookin out 4 snow cap..
- At 13 September 2007 at 22:37, Just plain Sharon said...
hi chris! well, if you plan to stay at Kundasang, just give me a buzz. We also provide babycot on request. Sweater? You can get from Parkson (it seems that I always mentioning Parkson. It's because it is located in the same building.)Hey! You better get your babyseat a.s.a.p. so that you can drive while lil' Muneez is secured in her seat.