Celcom sms service sucks!
Friday, 26 October 2007
I have an issue with sms service by Celcom. Everytime when I want to send an sms, it bothers me when the report comes back with Message Sending Failed. I tried sending msgs to my hubby. It says Message Sending Failed. So, I resend numerous times until I see Message Sent on the tiny screen. My dear Nokia has to put up with me as every press becomes harder each time I want to send an sms even a simple OK can sometimes consume at least 10 tries. When I check my hubby's handphone, he actually received my smses like 10 sms with the same message. This is daylight robbery man! How frustrating! I am now considering switching my line to a more reliable one. My hubby also experiencing the same problem. Even my colleague, Mary. I have tried to complain with Celcom but they say "Sia punya hp pun begitu. Mau balik2 tekan send." OMG!!! Is that what you call Customer Service! Am really pissed off. Anybody with solution will be appreciated. Till then, I need to resend an sms to a friend of mine.
posted @ 9:51 pm,
- At 27 October 2007 at 12:47, Jules said...
switch to maxis switch to maxis... oh btw, i dont work for maxis... heheheh
- At 27 October 2007 at 16:18, carolchs said...
or switch to DIGI..hehe...
no wonder my mom keep complaining the same thing too..."apa ni, fail saja balik2"...she said. - At 28 October 2007 at 05:59, Just plain Sharon said...
jules: ahaks!
carolchs: and ur mum still faithful to Celcome? - At 28 October 2007 at 21:35, carolchs said...
ya..cos she lazy want to change number.
- At 30 October 2007 at 14:40, alicetine ann said...
Change to ORANG KUNING!!! hehehe Digi i mean...