Please help
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
"My aunty, Joan Casius (Matanjun) @ SFC’s cikguJoan is in hospital for an operation & in need blood O+ but QEH is out of stock. If any1 has this blood type, pls donate asap @ QEH anytime between 8am-8pm
u MUST specifically say it is for JOAN CASIUS coz if u dun, they'd end up just putting the blood u donated at the blood bank and won't source it out to her.
she’s my mum’s younger brother (David Matanjun)’s wife.
She’s in really dire need of blood type O+ so PLEASE, anyone out there that has this blood type, we need your blood.
If you dun have, kindly forward and convey this plea to EVERYONE u know.
Never know it may reach a kindred donor’s soul…
for those of you who may know her and remember her, she used to teach in our alma mater ~ St. Francis Convent Secondary School. Known very well for home economics. She’s also in Fokker. I think auntyJune (as we fondly call her) used to teach arts and geography too!
She’s been goin in and out of hospital for the last few months. Losing a LOT of blood. She’s gonna have to do a major operation ~ woman’s predicament BUT the doctors have advised that they are only able to do so when the blood bank in QEH is stocked up sufficiently with blood type O+. sighs. My aunt is really in dire need of it.
thanks very much! really really appreciate it!!!
p/s please text me or just message me and i'll forward u further details that u'd need when u donate ur blood at QEH! my mobile's +6016-8458991."
posted @ 4:01 pm,
- At 18 October 2007 at 08:00, carolchs said...
Dwayne oso rcvd this and forwarded to me knowing that im an O+ blood type. i have not donate blood before. im scared but having read audrey's 80% on it. pls encourage me :(
- At 18 October 2007 at 08:49, Just plain Sharon said...
Frankly speaking, I never donated a single pint of my blood before. Wanted to the other day when JFF organized Blood Donation Drive but the GP said I can't because I was breastfeeding that time. I am also having the same blood type. I think we are in the same boat. Wanting to but afraid.
- At 18 October 2007 at 15:44, Mimzzzy said...
i have many times... to be honest, ndak sakit bah.. masa yang cucuk jarum jaks rasa macam kena gigit semut api. then.. it flows. Nothing to be afraid about.
GO CAROLCHS!!! You will feel better (or GREAT) saving lives! - At 22 October 2007 at 04:01, CJane said...
Oh shoot! I am type O blood! But I'm here in KL!!!! >.<