Obituary - Jessie Ahoi
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
Me: Huh? Why? (I thought he was joking)
Hubby: Titi just passed away this morning.
Me: What?! Titi mana satu nie? (Which Titi are you referring to?)
Hubby: Titi bah, mama durang si Wee Wee. (Titi, Wee Wee's mum).
Me: *Speechless*
Me: What happened?
Hubby: Sia pun tidak tau. Dia pengsan di hotel time kerja tadi pagi. (I don't know. She fainted at the hotel while working.)
Me: Aduii....kasian durang si Wee Wee. (OMG, pity on Wee Wee and her sisters.)
Titi or her real name Jessie Ahoi was a fantastic single mother. My hubby's first cousin (Titi's mum & my father iPublish Postn law are siblings). She was working at Promenade Hotel in the F & B Department. She left behind three adorable daughters, Weeveca Joanne and identical twins, Josavera & Josareeca. At this time, her body is still at the hospital for post mortem. I cannot imagine how in the world to tell her daughters about her passing. May your soul rest in peace my dear Titi. You left us suddenly without saying goodbye. The worst part is I am leaving for Singapore today for work purpose. Oh gosh!
Labels: family
posted @ 12:56 pm,
- At 15 November 2007 at 14:34, carolchs said...
may her soul rest in peace :(
- At 15 November 2007 at 16:48, @dR3h said...
my condolences.. may her soul rest in peace..
- At 17 November 2007 at 16:22, Just plain Sharon said...
thanks carolchs..thanks @dr3h...
- At 21 November 2007 at 04:12, A picture says it all.... said...
Hi!! I was shocked to see her obituary..I had my industrial training there...only She's the one I can asked for help!!! what happen to her???
- At 24 November 2007 at 13:31, msLabadin said...
My Condolences!
- At 19 April 2008 at 12:11, Unknown said...
hello sharon,it's been a whil since we last contacted each other.
I'm so very sorry and still in shock over Titi's passing.My dad and I talked abt her yesterday and I absolutely understand how the rest of the family were feeling. I lost my dear Frankie and Mom so I know. Pls send my regards to the family and extend our late condolences. Thanks. -Memek and Dad