Thursday, 13 September 2007
Labels: personal
posted @ 9:58 pm,
- At 14 September 2007 at 12:24, Self-Proclaimed Yummy Mummy said...
hehehehe..sumtimes if muneez is too sleepy, i'll browse..blog etc while she ninin..but wen she's awake..pc out of d scene la..she's attracted 2 d screen..& she dowan 2 ninin..& she wansme 2 stand her up..(bulum pandai berdiri lg but she wans 2 "berdiri")
- At 14 September 2007 at 14:34, Just plain Sharon said...
alamak....same with my Shayna..last night she was about to sleep, suddenly hubby handed me my lap top she immediately opened her eyes and trying to get her hands on the screen! Sampai I had to kasi o oi her first (by force) but she kept waking up and headed towards the lap top. I had to put the lap top on sleep mode.
- At 16 September 2007 at 14:32, Self-Proclaimed Yummy Mummy said...
oh..muneez watches tv..it shuts her up..wen she's cranky especially..
- At 18 September 2007 at 14:08, Just plain Sharon said...
shayna will watch tv when a good musical program comes up or a very colourful screen to keep her in her place for a mere 1 minute. after that, she will roam around or go down from the bed and start exploring.