Wednesday, 26 December 2007
So sorry for not posting any updates for a while. Here are the updates with photos:
*Crystal & Aunty Sarvinah's Birthday - 6 Dec 2007Crystal Edmund Fong shares her birthday with Aunty Sarvinah on the 6th of December. We had a small gathering to celebrate their birthday at Kepayan. Great food. Crystal gets lots of presents and angpows from all of us who attended the party. Evon brought her "ehem ehem" but didn't actually introduce him to us. We referred him as "Kancil". Ahaks! Pictures of the party are shown here.
Wilson's Wedding at Sabah Cultural - 9 Dec 2007
This is the wedding reception of hubby's cousin at Sabah Cultural Centre. So sorry, the pictures of the couple were not clear. So I deleted it. But I managed to get these few pictures.
Sean's Christmas Party at Taska Stella Marris - 20 Dec 2007
Sean's playschool organized a farewell party and Christmas party held on the 20 Dec (Hari Raya Haji holiday). It was a potluck do so we brought fried mee. Sean was not feeling very well so he just kept quiet most of the time. We brought Selina too. You can see the pictures of the party here.
posted @ 11:54 am,