What a day!
Friday, 7 December 2007
If you ask me, Friday is the most hectic day in the entire week. Why? Well, normally on Fridays, I have to do filing, follow up any quotations, complete any Function Orders, signing LPO, send invoices and at the same time, answering the phone and also attending any guests or suppliers that need their payments. Time is really not on my side. So little time to do all in one day. And by Monday, I tend to forget what I should follow up (though I have written it down....somewhere in the pile of papers). Anyways, how was your Friday?
posted @ 11:42 pm,
- At 8 December 2007 at 08:39, JieJ said...
Hai Sharon..for me I cant wait for Friday coz my mind thinking of getting enough rest. :) But I hate Monday..heheh..make me kelamkabut..