It's Saturday!
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Doluuu...he woke up at 6.30am and gave me the remote control to switch the channel to 613 or 614.
And then taiko S demanded his "nenen".
I was half asleep when I do the milk mixing.
Crawled back to bed.
Middle S and Little S woke up.
Also asked for their "nenen".
Odoiiiii....matai oku...
I dragged my lazy body to do their milk formula.
Once again, I crept back on the bed.
When I was about to shut my eyes, Little S climbed up and started to poke my eyes.
Oh no! Another interruption.
I then went to the toilet and washed my face.
Need to wake up.
After all my "monsters" finished their nenen, I then gave them a bath.
As usual the routine after that, to our kopitiam and have breakfast.
Took Middle S and Little S to the saloon for their haircut.
Middle S just had a trim while Little S wears a shorter hair now.
MIL and I went to another saloon where we had our hair done.
Tapau lunch for hubby and the rest.
Had lunch *burp*
Sitting at the balcony and enjoying the gushing wind while blogging/facebook.
Then I notice that chegu carol is going for Jessica Sisom's wedding in FB.
Me too! Hope to see her there.
Oh no! Almost time to arrange the kids before the wedding dinner tonight.
Will certainly blog about that.
Til then.
Wait for my update (especially you alicetine! hehehhehe)
Labels: personal
posted @ 4:27 pm,
- At 16 August 2008 at 23:08, Val Aziz said...
Waking up at 8am is a luxury i rarely get..good luck..
- At 17 August 2008 at 01:49, Dora A-Erb said...
Have fun at the wedding Sharon dearie... and don't forget to take pictures kio :)
- At 17 August 2008 at 09:43, carolchs said...
nice to finally meet and chat with you sharon..w/pun skijap.
we went back around 11.30 oh...gila pigi menari kan. Terry Peter sempat lagi sang two songs.
btw, you pulled red lipstick nicely. i like. - At 18 August 2008 at 09:51, Just plain Sharon said...
dora: I had fun during Presley's wedding. Will post the picture soon ya.
- At 18 August 2008 at 09:54, Just plain Sharon said...
chegu carol: ya bah skijap ja we managed to talk kan.
wah buli tahan kamu oOOoo...sia balik2 moguvab tu lah hubby bawa pulang. Hehehhehhe...
I missed Terry Peter punya performance ooOooo....just said hi to him on my way out.
thanks for the compliment. I love red lipsticks. Hehehe..