Presley Anthony & Jessica Sisom's Wedding
Sunday, 17 August 2008
Last Saturday, we went to the wedding as per title.
We arrived early as our kids were all busy doing their stuff (Taiko S watching TV with Middle S while Little S busy watching Papa Dhillon playing PS2). When we reach the wedding venue, I see common faces at the entrance.

She wore a cerulean dress and a pair of dazzling earrings.
She came with her hubby, Alvin (I know him since primary school?! Hehe).
Punya slim you chegu!!
I envy you!
We only managed to talk a lil bit.
After Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Liew arrived, we went into the banquet hall and meet the newly weds, Mr. & Mrs. Presley Anthony on our way in.
Presley looks striking in his wedding attire.
His bride, Jessica, who dons a beautiful dress, also no exception.
Uncle Anthony is the same 'forever young' look.
Presley and I come from the same 'kampung'.
We are also related from his mum's side.
And we went to the same high school (SBPS).
Presley is a jovial person, who loves to smile and laugh, friendly, witty and smart.
I remember one time he told me that "Sia ni kicik tapi jiwa sia besar tau."
We chuckled (his laughter was contagious and probably still is).
We ambled into the ballroom and locate our table.
Since Presley and I in the same kampung, I see many familiar faces and greeted them as we passed by their tables.
I even see my mum and my sister a few tables in front of us.
Hafez S, Kim and little Ian seated next to our table.
And then Mr. & Mrs. Roy Nadzrie, Sanjay, Aweng, Melon, Ridzuan Awang settled at a table behind ours.
The banquet hall is nicely decorated.

Our table number is 44.
4+4 is 8 ok lah tu.
Stanley checked out the menu.
His designated job is to keep us informed (he did a good job).
Hafez S. assisted in taking a few pictures. Thank you Hafez!

(Picture taken by Hafez S.)

(Picture taken by Hafez S.)

My cousin, Susan Spiji (we share the same surname but it's actually two different SPIJI), her hubby, Walter and baby Francesca.
Cute baby! Very kuaiiiiiii oh!

All of us stood up to welcome the newly weds.
I went upfront to get the couple's picture. So I waited.
The band started to play.
So there I was standing and waiting for the couple to make their appearance through my lens.
There they are!!! SINGING?!!
Everyone put their hands together.
Kembang bulu oh.
So lovey dovey.
Presley and his wife gazed at each other's eyes and held hands while they sang a duet number "Tonight, I Celebrate My Love".

I understand from chegu carol's blog that Jessica is very particular about numbers.
You will know why.
- Emcee: When was your first date?
- Jessica: 27 December 1997
- Emcee: First "I love you" from Presley?
- Jessica: 24 September 1998
I regard remembering birthdays (my family and in laws) and anniversaries as good enough (for me).
Respect you, Mrs. Presley Anthony!
While enjoying the food and some wine, I took some pictures of Osmand and his fiancee, Lolly.
I was trying to get a good picture of them but hubby and the rest kept on mocking Osmand.

Osmand: Tunggu!!!! Belum ready!! into my eyessss....
Then came the tossing of bridal bouquet to the lucky next-to-get-married girl.
The bride went on a chair while her hubby held her. So sweet.
Okay, I don't know who got the bouquet but congrats to that lucky lady!

Band was ultimately good.
I didn't get the name but I heard its something like "More Beers"?
They played non-stop.
Even hubby gave them a flattering remark.
Wow, this post is utterly long.
I apologize and understand if you are already dozing off.
On my way out, I said hi to old friends of mine, Terry Peter and Joyce Lansing (punya kurus ko Joyce!!!) and of course the lovely, chegu carol.

posted @ 12:01 am,
- At 18 August 2008 at 14:19, KaDusMama said...
wah!!!!!!! punya best! jeles lah with u meeting fellow sbpsian tiap2 minggu..
Anway congrates to Presley..and wife..! - At 18 August 2008 at 14:44, Val Aziz said...
I love the bride's gown! and nice oh ur dress..but ya lah bikin kambang bulu tu kan the entrance..really nice surprise.
- At 18 August 2008 at 15:00, Just plain Sharon said...
kadus_mama: ya lor...tiap2 minggu ada ja yang kawin. jan jeles bah...come lai lai lai balik sini. hehehhee...
- At 18 August 2008 at 15:01, Just plain Sharon said...
val aziz: thanks. i love my dress walaupun ada lemaks sini sana but to hell i care...ahhahahahhaha...
- At 18 August 2008 at 21:05, @dR3h said...
A unique and nice surprise la for the newly wed to sing for their guests.. I can still remember him sang proton saga kelabu dulu time high table punya function hehehe.. masi lagi dia macam dulu oo kan but i guess sudah tambah tinggi? :P hehe.. Presley if you're reading this jangan marah aa.. hehehe..
- At 18 August 2008 at 23:10, Dora A-Erb said...
First of all, congrats to the newlyweds. Sharon, I really enjoy looking at those pictures while reading you. Hey you looked great :) Thanks for sharing my dear.
- At 19 August 2008 at 08:58, Just plain Sharon said...
herda: presley is still the same old presley. sporting. ya dia makin tinggi.
- At 19 August 2008 at 09:00, Just plain Sharon said...
dora: I also enjoyed myself that night. thanks for being one of my loyal readers.
- At 19 August 2008 at 14:16, FloDawn said...
Aha Sharon! I knew it was u hehe. Saw u as I was going out to pulang ody, but wasn't sure bah takut juga salah org cos u look so glamorous dat night :-D
Jessica and I were classmates in form 1-3. Cantik kan her dress dat night :) - At 19 August 2008 at 15:10, Just plain Sharon said...
flodawn: why lah u didn't poke me? u shud've poke me and say hi. hehehhehhe...ya, i love si jess punya baju. santik oh kan.
- At 20 August 2008 at 08:45, Val Aziz said...
LOL ya la Herda that "famous" Proton Saga Kelabu..i thnk he was teased for months after tat..
- At 20 August 2008 at 10:18, carolchs said...
flodawn, u were there too? but even if i saw u pun bukan sia recognise u also, ndak ingat your face bah...hehehe
sharon, of course lah i slim now. wait lah after i ada three jr like yours, golombon juga kali tu. but i think u have shed some kilos lah compared to your previous pictures.
and jes pnya dress very2 much. berabis we took picture of her dress and she kept flaunting it for us. LOL! - At 20 August 2008 at 10:42, Just plain Sharon said...
val: i can imagine presley singing that song with his grin.
- At 20 August 2008 at 10:46, Just plain Sharon said...
chegu: moi, i dun think so you will pile up kilos and kilos of fats. i have a big frame plus my lunoks make me bigger shed some pounds?!? itu weighing scale not cooperating at all. maciam sama ja tu...hehheheheh...or the weighing scale gone mad.
si jess punya dress ramai org puji. Very the nice and ngam sama pemakainya. patut pun si jess kasi flaunt her dress pasal she knows it fits her well. and I love her make up too!! smokey eyes...