Felix & Leydia's Wedding
Monday, 18 August 2008
Yesterday, hubby and I together with Middle S, attended Felix & Leydia's wedding at Tun Fuad Stephen's Hall.
Felix is my mum's 1st cousin's adopted brother (wah panjang juga tu tali...I remember fabmom).
Some pictures for your viewing pleasure.

posted @ 4:08 pm,
- At 18 August 2008 at 23:16, Dora A-Erb said...
Sharon, thank you so much for sharing those precious moments of Felix & Leydia. Indeed they are such beautiful couple... congrats to both of them. As always, I enjoy reading you :)
- At 19 August 2008 at 09:14, Just plain Sharon said...
dora: you are most welcome dor! I feel very honoured because you always give good comments and always come here for a visit. thank you for being so wonderful. you are one positive person and definitely a friend for keeps. :)
- At 20 August 2008 at 08:42, Val Aziz said...
nice backdrop..who did it?
- At 20 August 2008 at 08:47, Just plain Sharon said...
val: the caterer...all in the package one.